A Gem of the Adirondacks: Garnet Lake 

by Candace O’Connor

In addition to purchasing the book directly from GLCA (see instruction below) the book is also available for sale to the general public , at the same 50$ price,  in North Creek at the following businesses: 

Izzy's Market and Deli: https://www.facebook.com/IzzysMarketDeli 

Hudson River Trading Co. : https://hudsonrivertradingco.com/

H'Art Studio & Gallery: https://www.facebook.com/people/HART-Studio-Gallery/100071112440437/

If you would like to order one or more copies of  A Gem of the Adirondacks: Garnet Lake written by  Candace O’Connor, here is the process. 

Send an email to Diane Burgess at dianeburgess@garnetlake.org with the number of books you would like and the address to send it/them to.

Send a check made out to GLCA  to Diane Burgess, PO Box 52, Johnsburg, NY 12843 or pay with Credit Card or PayPal from the GLCA  portal at this link: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=L56JQDDL3NVLU  or use the QR code. Calculate the amount you owe. Cost is $50 per book plus the shipping cost of $20 for 1-6 books and PayPal fee if you are using PayPal.  Please check the “include the fee” PayPal box, and the fee will automatically be calculated.

 The books will be mailed out shortly after payment is received. Please be patient as this is all a volunteer effort. All book sales are final.

You may  also pick up your book(s) at the homes of the following Garnet Lake residents. 

Anne and Joe Bernat 571-218-5484

Judy and Steve Thomson 518-229-7473

Bob Manning 518-251-4638 or

Candace O'Connor and Bob Wiltenburg 314-402-7233

Please call to arrange for a pickup time that is convenient for you and them.

Judy Thomson for GLCA Fund Raising Committee

September 2022

We have all been anticipating the arrival of A Gem of the Adirondacks: Garnet Lake written by Candace O’Connor and that day has arrived! 

The books are on sale for $45 from now until October 15th. The price per book will be $50 after that date. There will be a book signing on this Sunday, September 9 at the Beers beach/gazebo from 1:00-3:00. Author Candace O’ Connor and Photographer Extraordinaire Bob Manning will be available to sign books. Please bring a check or cash if possible. 


After that you may pick up your book(s) at the homes of the following Garnet Lake residents. 

Anne and Joe Bernat 571-218-5484

Judy and Steve Thomson 518-229-7473

Paul and Cindy Beer 518-251-2774

Bob Manning 518-251-4638 or

Candace O'Connor and Bob Wiltenburg 314-402-7233

Please call to arrange for a pickup time that is convenient for you and them.

Information regarding mailing books will follow soon. 

WE DID IT! Garnet Lake Friends and Neighbors are the best!


As of May 8th, 2022 we reached our goal to publish our Garnet Lake Book and this is such exciting news!


The GLCA Fundraising Committee would like to express our sincere gratitude for the interest and the generosity of this community.


Watch for our postings of updates regarding book publication.

THE BOOK DONATION DRIVE HAS ENDED.   WE REACHED OUR GOAL!    Thank you everyone! Together, we are a strong community and we get things accomplished! A more detailed message from our President with the full details and the final tally of donors (some checks  may be delayed in the mail) is to be expected in the next couple of days. 

This is Sunday evening, 7 hours left in the book drive. We are $1,260.91 from the hard cover goal. 

Book drive update 

Friday PM, May 6

We have raised enough money for printing the Garnet Lake history book in soft cover. However, the author and some of our committee strongly recommend the higher quality hard cover version with sewn binding.  

Can you help with our last push to get the $3652.59  needed by Sunday, May 8? 

Book donation status as of April 22nd, 2022

From: Judy Thomson <judythomson@garnetlake.org>

Date: Sat, Apr 23, 2022 at 3:59 PM

Subject: Additional money is needed for Garnet Lake history book and how many copies would you buy?

To: Judy Thomson <judythomson1230@gmail.com>


Hi dear neighbors and supporters of Garnet Lake,


As you know our neighbor Candace O’Connor has generously volunteered her time to research and write the history of Garnet Lake; an enormous effort on her part for which we are all eternally grateful.  Our neighbor Bob Manning has also volunteered his photography and editing help; others, including the Wild Center, the Adirondack Library at Union College, and the Warren County mapping services, have also provided free assistance. Now the book is finished and is being readied for printing; it will be 212 8x10 pages and printed in color.  You can go to  https://www.garnetlake.org/home/the-lake-and-the-people/candace-oconnor-book to see a video preview of the book.


Through no one’s fault, the volunteer effort to design the book did not materialize. Through donations we have raised $19,723.92 (including $3,000 contributed by GLCA), $15,000 of which has been spent on the design work for the book.  This leaves us $4,723.92 for the book printing.

Amount Raised to date   $19,723.92

- Cost for design                - 15,000

Available for Printing     $  4,723.92


Candace has received quotes from three printers, all of which are very close in price.  The price for 300 hard cover, color print books is $16,780.  Please note that during the pandemic the cost of paper and printing has at least doubled due to a severe national paper shortage.  The cost for 300 soft cover color books is $9,160.

Printing Options                   Hard Cover   Soft Cover

Printing Cost for 300 copies   $16,780   $ 9,160

Available Balance                   $  4,724   $ 4,724

Amount Needed                      $12,056   $ 4,436


After much discussion, the Fundraising Committee supports the idea of attempting to fundraise the additional monies needed to print the higher quality book; a book everyone would be proud to have in the bookcase or on their coffee table for years to come.


This puts our target for fundraising the remaining dollars for the printing of the book at $12,056.  This request is time sensitive as the printing quotes will expire in a short time, and costs are likely to rise still more.  We will be putting on our website in real time how far we are from our target.


If you decide to assist in printing the book, please reply to contact@garnetlake.org with your intent. You may send a check marked book donation to GLCA, P.O. 52, Johnsburg NY 12843 or donate via our website,  https://www.garnetlake.org/home/the-lake-and-the-people/candace-oconnor-book



And finally, as we close in on the completion of the book, how many books would you commit to buying for yourselves?  The price has not been determined, but it will likely be around $40 per book.  There will be one printing of the book, making this a limited edition. Please let us know at contact@garnetlake.org


We are a minuscule population on a minuscule lake and for us to have an author in our midst who is both a great author and a generous one is extremely fortunate. For us to have a published high-quality book of our own tiny community history is going to necessarily be very pricey. It is a luxury.  


Finally, THANK YOU in advance for your consideration and hopefully your donation to this fine project!


Fundraising Committee:

Paul Beer, Anne Bernat, Diane Burgess, Ed Jahn, Marianne Siniapkin, Judy Thomson, Bob Wiltenburg 

It’s exciting to see a preliminary draft of our book on Garnet Lake. It’s full of interesting history about the lake, wonderful stories, great pictures of wildlife and descriptions of individual properties. Join our "Update & Recognition" zoom meeting on March 20th to hear the author's update on the book.

As often happens, the cost is much greater than initially budgeted. 

None of the people involved in the writing or photography of this book have been paid for their work.  

We have gotten 2 generous contributions for $2,500 each but estimate we still need $7,500 to bring the book to life.  Our goal is to keep the purchase of the book at a reasonable amount. 


The book should appeal to anyone who has spent time at Garnet Lake, especially the many kids and grandkids who have spent summers here throughout the past decades. I’m sure many memories will be rekindled. It should also appeal to history buffs and the broader Johnsburg community as well as future visitors and residents of Garnet Lake. 


We have a great community at Garnet Lake and we thoroughly appreciate the thousands of hours that have gone into this book. Can you help us bring this book to life? 


If you donate online, please email us an let us know the donation is for the book.

You may also send a check marked Book Donation to Garnet Lake Conservation Association, PO Box 52, Johnsburg, NY 12843


If you have specific questions, please feel free to contact Anne Bernat, Board President, Garnet Lake Conservation Association at annebernat@garnetlake.org.  

None of the people involved in the writing or photography of this book have been paid for their work in order to keep the cost down.   GLCA is supporting the book publication as a service to the Garnet Lake community.   

Come back to this page to see updates on the book publication  and availability.


Thank you for considering this. 

—Judy Thomson

Secretary, Garnet Lake Conservation Association